Updated for 2025 - Life of Jesus
NOTE: A team license is needed to use this software. If you do not have one, please contact your coach to get your church team code to use when creating your accounts.
If you are interested in using this software for your quiz ministry, please visit https://biblequizsoftware.com to sign up for your license.
With one simple purchase you can provide an all-in-one app that allows every quizzer in your church the entire toolset that they need to become top quizzers. This app provides referencing cards, verse beginnings/endings and many other features.
Supports all divisions with unique charting for each division: Beginner, Junior, Intermediate and Experienced.
Information packed verse cards display verse beginnings, verse endings, 1-5 words and special category charting.
List of exercises available:
* Learn New Verses
*Learn and Review
*Verse Cards (Random, Study Order, Chronological, Horizontal)
*Verse Beginnings (Random, Alphabetical)
*Verse Endings (Random, Alphabetical)
*Unique words through 5-time words (Random, Alphabetical)
*Special Categories - Animals, Names, Locations, Bodyparts, Questions, Exclamations (Grouped by Chapter, Grouped by Verse, Random, Alphabetical)
Supports online synchronization with biblequizsoftware.com
Start an exercise on one device and continue on another and also supports multiple quizzers on a single device!